This contribution presents a pedagogical experiment conducted in a module of continuous education for directors of social-/medical- or educative institutions. The experiment focused on the question: In what sense can spatiality contribute to the success of the institute’s mission – taking into account the needs of the different users and their involvement and ensuring a good quality of living and working space. The objectives were: 1) Understand the interdependence between spatial configurations and the functioning and the mission of the institution. 2) Appreciate the quality criteria for a spatial design that promotes good living together. 3) Identify the issues related to specific spaces of the institution. 4) Engage in a reflection on the needs of the institution on the scale of the building and the neighbourhood. 5) Understand the added value of user participation in order to bring the premises to life. 6) Contribute to an approach that links the needs of an institution with architectural considerations. The module was dispensed over 5 half days, in which participants had to apply an analytical tool (developed by the teaching team) articulating use, space and institutional mission to their institutional routine, investigate perceptions of users and suggest spatial and managerial changes. While some directors questioned the pertinence of having to invest themselves into design elements, the module was revelatory to all, as articulated spatial analysis brought them a deep understanding of some wicked problems they faced.
S. Dhananka – Ordinary Professor interested in social work and the city, spatial reading of inequalities, governance models, social and environmental justice, community and participatory approaches, sustainability.
Scientific adjunct interested in residential trajectories, user behaviour and well-being, spatial planning, sustainable architecture and heritage architecture;
Ordinary professor interested in sustainable planning and architecture, transformation processes, user behaviour and well-being and design of office environments.