Embedding live engagement into the modular structure had its challenges but is the practice worthwhile? This study will look at the challenges and rewards of working with clients from the charitable and commercial sector. It will examine the resulting output, engagement and success rates of students undertaking live project work on campus. It will look at the impact this strategy had on the wider undergraduate experience and how the practice may help inform and feed into professional destinations on graduation. Using studies compiled over the last 10 years it will seek to expand the narrative on the subject and help others who are considering the practice for their own undergraduate programme of study.
Carol Alison is had led the graphic design degree at the university of Bolton for the last 15 years. With a specialism is design for advertising and a personal interest in ideation and copy writing she has helped guide then programme to adopt and adapt to live practice. More recently she has taken over leadership of the Animation / illustration degree and is in discussion with the staff team regarding adopting the practice within their teaching at HE4,5&6