Transmediality is considered a paradigm of contemporary culture and society: it makes it possible to amplify the understanding of space and the perception of experiences through the convergence of different communication tools. The typological increase of the technologies used in this context and their widespread availability enables greater possibilities in human-environment interaction and grants access to an almost infinite amount of information. Particularly within the realm of tourism experiences, transmedia narration opens up numerous possibilities for the definition and communicaton of the tourist space, interweaving places, people, stories, environment and offering a rich and articulated perspective of the destination. Texts, images, videos, augmented reality, interactive narratives, mobile apps, and much more can be combined to engage visitors, to convey messages in a more direct and deeper way, guiding the conscious choices of tourist-consumers. For this reason, transmediality can be the means through which, on the one hand, to promote sustainable tourism models, communicating the values and authentic aspects of the culture and society of tourist destinations, conceived as theoretical and ethical principles and also as experiential practices, and on the other, to create awareness about the impact that tourism has on a territory. How can cross-cutting narrative strategies be used to engage travellers in experiential journeys that embrace environmental sustainability, enhance local culture, and promote community inclusion? Can they play a role in educating about conscious tourism and fostering a deeper connection between travellers and the hosting environment? This article aims to explore the potential synergies between transmedia communication and sustainable tourism, examining the opportunities offered by multiplatform narratives for the promotion and enhancement of responsible and culturally authentic tourist experiences.
Roberto Gigliotti is Associate Professor in Interior and Exhibit Design at the Faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bozen Bolzano. He graduated in architecture at the IUAV in Venice and holds a Master in Landscape Architecture from the Edinburgh College of Art. His work focuses on museography and on the practices of exhibiting architecture. He currently leads the Research Task “Positioning and re-positioning narratives and images of destinations in contemporary trans-media tourism discourses” within the Next Generation EU funded project iNEST.
Eliana Saracino is an architect, PhD and founding principal at TSPOON. She deals with architectural and urban design, public spaces design and urban renewal. She graduated with honours at the Faculty of Architecture of the Università degli Studi Roma Tre in 2006. In 2012, she gained a PhD in Sustainable Urban Project, investigating the issues of residual spaces and temporary uses. She is currently research fellow at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in the fields of sustainable tourism and cultural production. Since 2006, she has been teaching in various architecture schools and institutions.