India is a heritage rich country. Most of the ancient cities had temples as its core focus as their socio-cultural, political nerve centers. It is highly essential to bring back the lost heritage and cultural values to leverage the heritage based tourism development. The aim of this paper is to set an example for conservation of the rich cultural heritage cities like Ayodhya having unique identities. Its sustainable values are evident in its tangible and intangible heritage. Clashes between development and conservation are bound to occur in the context of cultural economies and concerns over environmental and community sustainability. Cultural heritage values tangible and intangible both need to be preserved and continued in the urban development for maintaining its unique identity. This paper is an attempt to identify the challenges and potentials of Ajodhya heritage city development so that its historicity its not lost. Objectives of the paper would include deriving a conceptual framework for the practices to be adopted for its tangible and intangible heritage values for sustainable development and tourism management. Ajodhya’s development, sustainable & socio economic is at the cross roads of development where it can either follow the haphazard growth by its investors or set an example for the world on how religious and ancient cities once developed can lead to sustainable growth. Suitable framework for development has to be drawn through scientific studies for world class sustainable model which highlights the heritage based development of this sacred city.
Keywords: Cultural planning, Sustainable Urban Development,Conceptual Framework
Ar Renu Khanna has a leading practice across India. She is famous for her experiential, narrative, emotive architecture. In 2019 she authored a book Architecture of Happiness in New York. She has won many National and International awards. She presented and published a paper at Egypt “Conservation of Oral Heritage through Architecture”. She has designed Memorials, Mumseums, Airports, Hospital, Institutional Buildings, Housings
Dr Kasthurba AK is an associate member of ICOMOS India -ASC/2022/311 ,Member society of Architecture historians, Life member Indian National trust for art and cultural heritage (INTACH).
Dr Prasad Krishna is PHD from University of Michigan USA, Member secretary National Board of Accreditation. Dr Prasad is director NIT Calicut.