Minor historic centres in Italy represent a widespread heritage that, already recognized as a repository of historical and cultural values, seems to express today under the new paradigms of sustainability and resilience a potential that can be activated through compatible regeneration processes. The aim of the research, carried out in an interdisciplinary perspective and according to a cross-scale approach, is to define an operative tool to support the policymaking, planning and intervention actions, by local authorities and stakeholders, for regenerative processes capable of combining the heritage preservation with cultural and economic enhancement of the area, tourism promotion with natural resources protection. This paper, considering the first outcomes of the research, proposes a critical overview on the current Italian cultural, regulatory, and strategic framework on the topic of regeneration of minor centres from which a significant divergence between implementation policies and practices seems to emerge. To outline this framework, the research was divided into three phases. The first involved the selection and critical analysis of the main European and national policy documents, regulatory references and ongoing programs. The second surveyed the results of the “Village Attractiveness” initiative, funded by the Ministry of Culture for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which is nowadays the main source of funding for regeneration projects in minor centres. In the third phase, the contents of some projects, selected by appropriate parameters, were analysed and collected to build a database. Two significant issues seem to emerge from the research on current regeneration practices – the lack of a long-term vision in planning and the fragmentation of interventions – which lead back to the need to define an operative tool for controlling the regenerative process that is sustainable and respectful of the peculiarities of the investigated heritage.
Camilla Salve, PhD student in the Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural, Environmental Engineering at the University of L’Aquila. Her research focuses on the topic of sustainable regeneration processes in minor centres. She graduated in the course degree Construction-Architectural Engineering at the University of L’Aquila, about a thesis on Regional planning. She currently collaborates with the Technical architecture research group and the Urban planning research group at the University of L’Aquila.
Prof. arch. Alessandra Tosone associate professor of Architectural Engineering in the Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural, Environmental Engineering, University of L’Aquila. Professor of Materials and Techniques of Restoration, in the course degree E.U. in Construction-Architectural Engineering at the University of L’Aquila. Member of the department boarding of Research Doctorate “Civil, Construction-Architectural, Environmental Engineering”, L’Aquila University. Worked to applied research on built heritage, either of the basic building trade or of the historical architecture typologies, and on steel construction history. Actually works on sustainable regeneration processes and design of built environmental. She is the author of about two hundred articles and papers on International Conference Proceedings.
Donato Di Ludovico, PhD, Associate Professor ICAR/21 – Urban Design and Landscape, teaches Urban Design in Construction-Architectural Engineering at the University of L’Aquila (Department of Civil, Construction-Architecture and Environmental Engineering). He carries out research activities within the new forms of Spatial and Strategic planning, Urban planning and design (urban and territorial safety, protection and regeneration), Civil Protection Planning, knowledge and assessment systems (SEA). With regard to the Spatial planning, his research is focused on new models and new policies. He is president of the INU Abruzzo-Molise section (National Institute of Urban Planning), scientific coordinator of the AnTeA Laboratory (Territorial and Environmental Analysis) at the University of Aquila, Coordinator of the 1st level Specializing-Master courses “Post-Disaster Technical-Administrative Management of Local Authorities”.