The findings, I want to present in this paper are based on teaching architecture design by exploring the sharing boundaries of architecture with other disciplines through narratives. Narratives attained a central role in this process. The sharing boundary space is the birth field of new ideas as it keeps in tensional state of push and pull. This situation initiates intellectual/philosophical debate, which is the core ideology behind architectural design education. Exploration of these shared spaces without killing the intellectual discourse they have is depending upon the narratives we built. Having or reading a narrative is a commonality but to imagine and than create a purposeful narrative in design process is a complex matter. By starting through narrative building, students learn to approach architecture through immateriality can be defined as “Design the soul first and than build the body”. In narrative building secessions, students mostly times involved in descriptions of physical functions instead narrating a poetic expression that further transforms into the eventual experience of idea. Under this scenario, the gradual steps, which a student needs to take in approaching architectural expression, will be discussed. The possible role of temporality, exaggerations and literal/non literal arguments as a regulator force that keeps the direction of design process towards required objectives will also be discussed. These expositions enforce the design students to think out of the box and able to address the intellectual aspects on priority. This paper composed on two parts, one is the detailed discussion on role of narratives in Trans Disciplinary studies in architecture and the possible constraints we face in design process. The second part has detailed description of three studio projects where we try to explore the sharing boundaries of literature and architecture through narratives.
I got my Msc Degree from KTH Stockholm Sweden in Urban Planning a Design. Now I am teaching as an assistant professor at Razia Hassan School of Architecture. In last ten years of teaching I am mentoring the Narrative design studio to explore the sharing boundaries of architecture with other disciplines.