Globalization, if radically redefined on the basis of rigorous ethical principles, can be transformed into a powerful instrument for the construction of a more just and supportive society on a planetary level. How is it possible to develop the global embrace in the perspective of a planetary humanism? Can the use of technology help to bring different cultures closer, can it be understood as a model of geo-pedagogy of proximity? How can education in this society open to all but isolating support democracy to finally become the political system, guarantor of the development of individual and collective identity?
Graduated in Pedagogy and Primary Education Sciences is Tutor Coordinator of the internship in the single-cycle master’s degree course in Primary Education Sciences (LM 85-bis) at the University of Basilicata. Lecturer at the University of Basilicata, Bari, Viterbo. Expert trainer in the courses dedicated to the teachers in service and newly employed organized by the polo schools on behalf of the Regional School Office Basilicata. Enrolled in the regional list of Formators National Plan Digital Schools. Among his writings are to be counted: “Riflessioni sulla natura della conoscenza: l’approccio costruttivista” – “Digitalizzazione come strumento di semplificazione e standardizzazione dei procedimenti amministrativi” in Professionisti della scuola in rete AA.VV., Armando Editore 2019; D. Milito, A. Tataranni, “Didattica innovativa nell’era digitale”, Anicia, Roma 2018; Insieme per…crescere in I. Bolognesi e M. D’Ascenzo (a cura di), Insegnanti si diventa. L’esperienza di Tirocinio nei Corsi di laurea magistrale in Scienze della formazione primaria, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2018; Formazione a distanza e apprendimento in rete: un prototipo in “L’Eco della Scuola Nuova” (2020); L’animatore digitale nella scuola dell’autonomia in “L’Eco della Scuola Nuova” (2019); Realtà aumentata e didattica in “L’Eco della Scuola Nuova” (2017) In press: Per una didattica della vicinanza. Il Roll al tempo del Covid in Analfabetismo funzionale e strategie di contrasto. Approcci, sperimentazioni, esperienze europee a cura di E. Lastrucci, D. Milito, E. Surmonte – Basilicata University Press.