Urban planning can play a critical role in addressing historical academic divestment in BIPOC communities and opportunity gaps for predominantly Black communities. By recognizing the connection between urban planning and education, we can leverage both as a force for universal good. However, both education and urban planning have been perceived as exclusive rather than inclusive in terms of representation, power, control, and influence. Furthermore, a college’s environment plays a crucial role in shaping student culture and determining the extent to which it facilitates or hinders student success. Environmental factors such as meeting student needs, roles, and community connections are also significant. Additionally, factors like accessibility and satellite campuses can impact student success.
Dr. Crawford holds the rank of Professor of Sociology/Anthropology at Rochester Institute of Technology. Her research interests are grounded in mentoring. Additionally, she strives to emancipate her research from the academy and put theory into practice. She facilitates mentoring relationships and scholarly collaborations among her colleagues and students that transcend traditional cultural and disciplinary boundaries. Dr. Crawford seeks to enrich organizations and social networks by leveraging and extending the diversity of the membership.Students learn in diverse and wondrous ways.