This research describes, evidences and understands those leadership experiences that have allowed to gather efforts and resources in the community action boards of the municipality of Floridablanca (Santander, Colombia) to seek the solution of the most felt needs of the community. Within the analysis it was determined that the representatives of the community action boards of the municipality of Floridablanca (Santander, Colombia) of the last five years collect characteristics of different types of leadership, has a vision and a projection of transformation, innovation and empathy, which contributes to the improvement of the coexistence of the communities, favoring and strengthening social, emotional and communicative bonds, promoting the union between being and feeling, understanding the subjects as a whole and at the same time as a single being.
Doctor in Education, with experience in the business and education sector. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Research Professor in Distance and Face-to-face Modality. Critical attitude, ability to read and interpret the social and work world in which I work and to design intervention strategies. Aware of the need to undertake changes and improvements in individual performance in curriculum development and in the institutional environment. Self-critical behavior, in which the personal and professional change derived from it, is assumed as a necessity of the research and innovation process itself.