All Conferences
Prague – Education
Lisbon – Livable Cities
Virtual – Pedagogy
London – Heritage
Barcelona – Livable Cities
Los Angeles – Teaching
Teaching + Research
The Mediated City
Critical Futures
Who We Are
A Regenerative Approach to Informal Development
A Review on Public Spaces at Mumbai City, India
A Study on a Transformation of the Ainu Tribe's houses under...
A Surf Colloquy: An Ethnographic Research of the Coastal Com...
A Window to Global Interaction Through Oman Culture and Trad...
Agricultural Heritage. The Multi-Scale Architectural Dimensi...
Anthropocene Specters of the Salish Sea
Arca de Ángeles: Transforming Disparities in Maternal-Infan...
Architecture, Ethics, and Transformative Pedagogy: exploring...
Architecture: From Truth to Meaning
Avian Landscapes - A Pedagogical Approach to Exploring the P...
Between Local and Global: Design and Construction of Iran’...
Beyond Design for and Design by: A Pluriversal Landscape for...
Biophilic Districts: How Barcelona’s Superblock Renewed Ur...
Boost Lab: Product Incubation for Designers
Bottom-Up Urban Planning in the Era of Data: The “Human Pa...
Breaking Cycles: Re-envisioning a Health, Housing, and Corre...
Bridging Local and Virtual Spaces: A Case Study of Two Faceb...
Building Minds, Building Worlds: Fostering Critical Thinking...
Canal-oriented Waterfront Regeneration: A Case Study in Suzh...
Canberra - New Heritage
Cities as Characters in Stories
Cities from Scratch: A Critical Evaluation of New Urban Cons...
Civic Tech for Regeneration of Communities
Climate Change in the Neighborhood: Examining Heat and Histo...
Co-Creating Age-Friendly Places: Perspectives from the Inter...
Communal Living Would Kill Me: the Negative Impact of Exclud...
Communing with robots - a public art experiment
Community-Engaged, Interdisciplinary, And Lost Is Found
Contested Territories: Identity and Memory in the Public Spa...
Creative approaches to regenerate the cultural heritage of c...
Cultural Influences on Immigrants’ Place Attachment Motiva...
Culture-Led Housing: Artist as Developer and Developer as C...
Data House / Meta City - The Role of Data for Placemaking
Decolonising Practices in Australian Architectural Education...
Decolonizing Architectural Legacy: A Re-evaluation of the Na...
Decolonizing Design Perspectives: Rewriting South African Wr...
Decolonizing the Border: Containment, Suffering, and Transfo...
Defining Urban Voids for Indian Cities, A Case of Pune
Developing the Local Community to Enhance the Global Cultura...
Differentiated Solidarity and the Obligations ofPproximalDdw...
Difficult Heritage. How Post-Socialist Space of Work Can Be ...
Displacement and Well-being: The Humanitarian Potential of A...
Dreaming Big: Deep Listening in Design Studios
Expanding Sustainability: Design as a Radical Act of Care
Exploring the Relationship between Walkability, Sustainabili...
Facing Uncertainty through Localization: Hong Kong’s Post-...
Finding Meaning in Hidden Landscapes
Flash of the Spirit: Decolonizing Architectural Visual Order...
Fleeing the Israeli Commons in Nadav Lapid’s Films
Florence 2040: Tradition, Density, Diversity, and Innovation...
From Precarious to Pedestrian Streets: A Case Study with Old...
From Segregation to Integration: Redesigning a Historically ...
From the Ground Up: Ecological Principles as a Basis for Tea...
Getting to Know Local Communities Through Backyards: an Ethn...
Ghostlands: Marking and Remembering Disappearing Cultures, C...
High-Tech and Poor: Managing Poverty by Expert Design in a ...
How to Establish an Evaluation Framework for Urban Villages
Hyper-localizing Pedagogies in Design: The Situating Learnin...
Indigenizing Pedagogy in Architectural Technology - Fosterin...
Indigenous Knowledge in Built Environment Curriculum: A revi...
Interculturalities in Higher Education – Contexts of Encou...
Joplin, MO Case Study: Fostering Change in Brownfield Sites ...
Kan Yakhchāl as a Meeting Place for Iranian Communities and...
Khipu as creative practice methodology in Design
Leadership In Community Action Boards In Colombia. A Case St...
Lessons from the Brownfield: Interspecific Associations and ...
Manchester 4.0: Reading the Urban Past to Unravel the Digita...
Mapping the Intangible: The Re-semanticisation of the Urban ...
Mapping the Past for Future Resilience: Evolution of Landsca...
Melbourne's Sustainable Transport Policy: Conflicts and Chal...
Mizoram’s Transition as India’s Gateway to Southeast Asi...
National Treasures and Cultural Repressions: Australia’s V...
Navigating Locality: Unraveling the Interplay between Everyd...
People, Place and Purpose: Place-based Approaches to Ecologi...
Placekeeping: The role of the public art process as communit...
Politics of the Balcony
Prefiguring Viable Futures in the Everyday
Queer Male Social-Sexual Spaces
Reality at play. Urban space as a playable place
Reframing the Role of Landscape Architecture and Understandi...
Ritual as Praxis: Embedding Embodiment and Emplacement in De...
Rooting Architectural Training in African Philosophy
Rose Cottage: Mapping the Suburban Fantasies of House Signs
Scratching Beneath the Surface: an enquiry into the reading ...
See you at Ikea!: The Raise of Swedish Furniture Stores as L...
Seoul Food: Edible Food Production between Tradition, Resist...
Show Me Your Public Spaces and I Can Tell You How Equal Your...
Shwayˣ: Product Design, One Step at a Time
Social Cohesion in UNESCO Documents for the Management of Wo...
Solar Street Art for a Participatory Energy Transition
Spatial Analysis of Festival Spaces in Traditional Festivals...
Spatial Provocateur: Public Space as an Urban Laboratory
Straddling a Border: On the Colonial Construction of Indigen...
Surviving Historic Memory: Two Collaborative Design Cases in...
Sustaining Circular Communities through the Granville Island...
Taking the Lead: Women and Transport Challenges in the Phili...
The Architect's Gaze and Critical Reading of Place
The Case for Epistemological Shift in Research for Low-cost ...
The Collective Versus the Individual: Juxtaposing Smartphone...
The Formation of In-between Place: British Concession in Amo...
The Future of Dwelling: Densification in the Desert
The Gentrification of Peckham and Black Urban Removal Worldw...
The Interplay of Art, Urban Development, and Economic Forces...
The Magic Beans: How Tiny Mobile Pods Can Provide Student Co...
The New Cultural Economy of Space Revisited: Landscapes of T...
The Post-pandemic Architectural Treatment in Taipei: A ‘Po...
The representation of the Kowloon Walled City in Kung Fu Hus...
The Return of Tradition: A Preliminary Study on the Integrat...
The Role of Narrative History in the Interpretation of Archa...
The role of urban planning in addressing historic academic d...
The Social Production of Space: A Case Study on Migrant Work...
The Travesías of Amereida and the native people of South Am...
The Uses of Historic City Centres in building Citizen Securi...
The Wellbeing of the Users in the Apartments Regarding Bioph...
Thinking Inside the Box: Inner-city Regeneration through Int...
Thinking Through Craft and the Digital Turn
Transforming a Precarious Presents: Whose Precarity and Whos...
Transit-Oriented Development as Channel for the Home away fr...
Trauma Approach in Socio-Spatial Studies
Travelling Without a Visa- Building Intercultural Knowledge ...
Tree friends, traditional structures and Indigenous ways of ...
Ukuxoxisana: Embedding Critical Pedagogy in Undergraduate Ar...
(Ur)banality of Evil: A Report on Civil Planning and How It ...
Urban Place Deprivation: Cases from Central Anatolia, Turkey
Urban Transformation and Civic Imaginations: From LED Skies ...
Urban Transformation for Resilient, Sustainable Communities
Urban Transformations Generating New Potential for a Sense o...
Virtual Spaces of Performance: What pandemic eventually bro...
War, Bureaucracy, and Modernization An Alternative Model in ...
Welcome and introduction
Welcome and introduction
What does ‘Decolonising’ mean to us?
Wisdom in the Dunes: Understanding Desertification Factors a...
Writing urban theory/theorist in-between different localitie...
E. Abamonte
E. Abu Azzam
P. Akhgar
A. Alshami et al.
O. Andrade Castro
L. Ankon
J. Bambury
M. Barros Ferreira Rodrigues
S. Bartocci
Z. Bedita
J. Berry
M. Bianchi
S. Bleibleh et al.
J. Bleicher
L. Botha
C. Brown
G. Bura
G. Cairns
C. Cerro
C. Chacon-Carreton et al.
F.P. Chan(1)
F.P. Chan(2) et al.
X. Chen(1)
X. Chen(2)
A. Chugh
F. Ciampa et al.
C. Clouse
A. Coşkun
P. Crawford
T. Danielmeier
S. DeBoer
L. Dick
J. Diego
J. Dillion
A. Edmonds
A. El-Geneidy
H. Ellis
E. Erturk
H. Fallon et al.
F. Fattahi
C. Fay
A. Fettes
R. Flores de Leon
G. Gatarin
N. Gerodetti
S. Geyer
M. Ghasemieshkaftaki et al.
I. Ghule
C. Go-Sam et al.
M. Golden
V. Greer
P. Greyvensteyn
S. Habib
D. Handanovic
D. Hasson
S. Hefez
S. Hegazy
L. Heller et al.
W. Hendrikz
T. Hergenrader
C. Ho Schar
Y.G. Hwang
N. James
J. Jang
C. Jara Herrera
C. Jordan
J. Kavishe
B. Kesim
S. Khan
C. Kray
S. Kumar
Z. Latham
D. Lefosse
X. Li
F. Liedtke
F. Lin
U. Linke
X. Liu
S. Liu(1)
S. Lopez-Rodriguez et al.
A. Luescher
A. Makhubu et al.
R. Malefane
N. Mansour
G. Marinic
L. Marras
A. Mashford-Pringle
I. Mateo-Babiano
S. McCallum
R. McClure
H. Merza
T. Meshkani
M. Mick
M. Milak
R. Monteiro
E. Montero-Ojeda
J. Montgomery
G. Moreira et al.
T. Mori
A. Moustaka
N. Mulé
M. Münster
P. Narkhede
V. Ng et al.
E. Nicoletti
M. Nowak
J. Olivier
A. Osman
K. Palipane
S. Parker
E. Payne-Tofte
A. Pieris
L. Pinho
E. Ponting
B. Prastyatama
B.R. Purnama
J. Rayner
L. Revilla
P. Rhodes
A. Roberti
H. Robertson
C. Robinson
S. Roslan
Y. Ruoqi
K. Sadowy
N. Saha
T. Sawruk
V. Serravallo
T. Sesana
Z. Shao
K. Sharma
E. Sheikholharam
A. Shepley et al.
S. Shetty
M. Sheykhi Eilanlou et al.
L. Shlensky
V. Sirakouli
E. Smith
A. Soliz
C. Sonzogni et al.
S. Tam
J. Tamiru, J. McGaw
Y. Tang
T. Teixeira
T. Terkenli
P. Thiedeke
J. Thompson
M. Ting
C. Türkoğlu
S. Ursić
J. Ventura
A. Verma
C. Villani
X. Wang
S. Weidner
M. Wernli et al.
K. Wu
M. Yioutani-Iacovides
L. Yuile
W. Zeng
J. Zlatar Gamberoži
Local Cultures – Global Spaces
Communities, People and Place
Wednesday 6th December, 2023.
Socio-Urban Spaces iv
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
In this session
Social Cohesion in UNESCO Documents for the Management of World Heritage Historic Cities
R. Flores de Leon & S. Weidner
Transforming a Precarious Presents: Whose Precarity and Whose Idea of Transformation?
S. Kumar
Differentiated Solidarity and the Obligations ofPproximalDdwelling
A. Edmonds