Communication between families and children is a fundamental aspect of children’s and adolescents’ emotional, cognitive, and social development. Establishing an open and fluid channel of dialogue not only strengthens family bonds but also provides young people with tools to understand the world around them and face the challenges that may arise. The study examines the discourses on controversial topics addressed by parents and children in their daily conversations. Based on 1,480 responses from families with children enrolled in compulsory education stages in Catalonia (Spain), four main dimensions have been explored. These include: a) families that supposedly have never addressed any polemical issues, b) how dialogue is initiated and what motivates it, c) what triggers the conversation, and d) specific topics being discussed. The analysis of 2,273 responses has allowed the identification of the most recurring topics addressed in family conversations, including sex and gender (37.8%); current political topics (18.6%), cultural origin, racism and xenophobia (9.7%); bullying (8.1%); and social injustice (4.6%). Other topics such as addictions, technology, disability, among others, have been examined too, demonstrating the breadth and depth of conversations at home. The importance of these dialogical interactions lies in the fact that they not only provide information on relevant issues but also foster critical reflection and develop communication and problem-solving skills. The relationship between family communication and school education is close, as school, as a space for learning and socialization, can reinforce the values and knowledge transmitted at home.
Maria Dolors Ribalta Alcalde – Graduate in Teaching and postgraduate degree in Sports Psychology (1998). Primary school Physical Education teacher for the Ministry of Education (2001). Soccer coach (2001), graduate in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (2004), and PHD in Sports and Education (2016). Ambassador and director of women’s football section at the Real Club Deportivo Español from Barcelona. Teacher at Ramon Llull University since 1004. Research interests focused on sport, gender and education. Participant in competitive and international research projects, including studies in France and solidarity projects.
Maria Carme Boqué Torremorell – School teacher, pedagogist, conflict mediator, and PhD in education. Lecturer at University Ramon Llull, Barcelona, and invited professor in master’s degrees of several universities. Member of the research group on Pedagogy, Society and Innovation with ICTs in the same university. Main areas of research: citizenship education, socioemotional skills, school violence and bullying, peace education, conflict mediation, democracy and participation, and children’s rights. Author of several books and articles on these topics.
Montserrat Alguacil De Nicolás – Graduate in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the University of Barcelona (UB). She holds a doctorate in Pedagogy from the Ramon Llull University (URL). Professor at URL. Coordinator of the master’s degree in Psychopedagogy and Guidance at the FPCEE Blanquerna-URL. Researcher of the Pedagogy, Society and Innovation Research Group with the support of Information and Communication Technologies (PSITIC).