International conventions define disability as an evolving concept, that results from the interaction of people with a context, that generates attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinder their full and effective participation in society on equal terms with others. This definition has made it possible to focus on the interactions between various factors. As a result, an interactive approach has emerged that considers the role of the family and the school as fundamental in the construction of an inclusive society. Children and young people forge at home, the primary socializing nucleus, attitudes, values, norms, communication skills and conflict management styles that train them to understand the world and act in it. For this reason, a questionnaire around disability has been designed and answered by 1,480 families of Catalan schoolchildren (Spain) with the aim of detecting patterns, shortcomings and needs to integrate this diversity. Data indicate, for example, that 69% of the participants recognize the rights of people with disabilities, and that the fact of having suffered discrimination is a relevant factor when reporting the situation of segregation due to disability (82.5%). Considering the results of the study, guidelines up to facilitate communication tools about disability in the family sphere were drawn. Regarding the school, the possibility of using the Booth and Ainscow Inclusion Index to build collaborative school communities that promote high levels of achievement for all students is highlighted.
Montserrat Alguacil De Nicolás – Graduate in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the University of Barcelona (UB). She holds a doctorate in Pedagogy from the Ramon Llull University (URL). Professor at URL. Coordinator of the master’s degree in Psychopedagogy and Guidance at the FPCEE Blanquerna-URL. Researcher of the Pedagogy, Society and Innovation Research Group with the support of Information and Communication Technologies (PSITIC).
Maria Dolors Ribalta Alcalde – Graduate in Teaching and postgraduate degree in Sports Psychology (1998). Primary school Physical Education teacher for the Ministry of Education (2001). Soccer coach (2001), graduate in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (2004), and PHD in Sports and Education (2016). Ambassador and director of women’s football section at the Real Club Deportivo Español from Barcelona. Teacher at Ramon Llull University since 1004. Research interests focused on sport, gender and education. Participant in competitive and international research projects, including studies in France and solidarity projects in India.
Maria Carme Boqué Torremorell – School teacher, pedagogist, conflict mediator, and PhD in education. Lecturer at University Ramon Llull, Barcelona, and invited professor in master’s degrees of several universities. Member of the research group on Pedagogy, Society and Innovation with ICTs in the same university. Main areas of research: citizenship education, socioemotional skills, school violence and bullying, peace education, conflict mediation, democracy and participation, and children’s rights. Author of several books and articles on these topics.