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VIRTUAL: Prague Heritages

Past and Present - Built and Social
Cultural Environments and a Sympathetic Approach to Complex Heritage
N. Ventzel Riis & M. Kirkegaard


The historical texture of Yazd was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List (WHL) in 2017, despite being approved all the management plan actions, there have been unsolved problems on the urban scale. This paper aims to analyze the unsuccessful management plan of the historic city of Yazd and to propose some solutions. The most important problems in Yazd are the inadequacy of transportation, the swear system, and the technology, lack of public collaboration and financial support, and the buildings’ functional changes. This study chooses YAZD and BUKHARA as the study areas because of their similarities in terms of historical culture, social, typology, and building materials. Due to the similarities between Yazd and Bukhara, the goal is to minimize the urban problems by making use of the successful experiences of Bukhara which was accepted to the WHL by UNESCO in 1993. Yazd, which has a historical area of 200 hectares made entirely of adobe brick, could not reach the targets set in the management plan due to the lack of local site managers and monitoring systems. To prevent the destruction of historical texture it is essential to protect and rehabilitate the original texture in the scope of the management plan for the sustainability of the cultural heritage values of YAZD. The method of this study is to solve administrative and financial problems of the management plan and to reveal the failing aspects in preserving and rehabilitation on the historical texture of Yazd.


I am a Ph.D. student in Urban and Regional Planning at Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Turkey. My thesis topic is about new methods for improving the monitoring systems of cultural heritage management plans. I got my master’s degree from ITU too. My thesis topic was Problems in Urban Planning of Historical Town Centers, a research based on Urmia. I Participated in a study with collaboration of the University of Georgia and ITU for the City of Erbaa urban planning project. Also, I presented an article in The 3rd Annual International Conference on Urban Studies and Planning in Athens.

Studying Ph.D. in Building Science at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) my thesis is about Using Mycelium as Building Material. Master’s degree in Environment Control and Building Technologies from ITU. My thesis title was Investigation the Insulating Properties of Lokun as a Traditional Construction Material.