In recent years a growing social recognition of Heritage Landscapes can be observed, which encourages all those who are involved in their protection, conservation, and dissemination, to make a significant effort. Accessibility to culture should always have the aim of helping any citizen, regardless of their age and abilities, to interpret the Heritage Landscape in the most respectful and self-sufficient way possible. Yet the link between Accessibility and Heritage requires a sensitive perception of the environment and of the individual in their various situations, which are difficult to adjust to specific canons or regulations. Even though more and more institutions and companies are convinced that Accessibility to Heritage needs to be addressed from a social point of view, it has been often considered solely from a physical accessibility standpoint. Only partial solutions are usually offered, while a comprehensive, truly sustainable, and inclusive approach must be adopted. In this sense, information design can play an essential role for the enjoyment and knowledge of Heritage Landscapes. The paper aims to show some reflections on this topic that have led a group of students and teachers within the Heritage, Cultural and Architectural Landscape Laboratory at the University of Valladolid, Spain (Laboratorio de Paisaje Arquitectónico, Patrimonial y Cultural, LAB/PAP) to develop experimental information and design proposals for the Clunia Roman Theater, in Peñalba de Castro, Burgos, Spain. The proposals focus on information design, based on numerous examples that research sensory approaches, to show this extraordinary place in an inclusive and respectful way with the archeological site. Three different proposals will be shown, with a methodology based on field work, case studies, project proposals, workshops, and user testing. Finally, one of these proposals is now being implemented in order to be ready to use in the following months.
Architect (University of Valladolid, 2001). PhD in Architectural Composition (2007). 1st Prize VII Architecture Thesis Contest Caja de Arquitectos Foundation (2009). FAD AWARD Thought and Criticism (2014). Since 2003, Lecturer of the Department of Theory of Architecture and Architectural Projects, University of Valladolid. Research about Domestic Architecture, History of Industrial Design, and Design Challenges, specifically Inclusive Design in Cultural Places. LAB/PAP member (Laboratory of Architectural, Heritage and Cultural Landscape).ándezVillalobos
Carlos Rodríguez Fernández – Phd. Architect. LABPAP Research Group Heritage and Cultural Architectural Landscape Laboratory. Department of Theory of Architecture and Architectural Projects. University of Valladolid.
Sagrario Fernández Raga – Phd. Architect. LABPAP Research Group Heritage and Cultural Architectural Landscape Laboratory. Department of Theory of Architecture and Architectural Projects. University of Valladolid.