How is the city used for orientation and organizational purposes? What linguistic (communication) strategies are used to describe the city from the perspective of spatial orientation? It would seem that the basic orientation medium is road signs, wayfinding systems and, in the case of recognizable spaces, specific landmarks. However, as for the description of urban space, language (communication) is used to determine the transition from point A to point B. The initial hypothesis here is the statement that the aforementioned marking systems do not support orientation but only constitute a reference for achieving the goal of destination. On the other hand, communication uses other methods to describe urban space. In my paper, I will present the results of preliminary research on orientation in urban space.
Scientist and designer. Researcher and lecturer at the Graphic Design Department University of Social Sciences and Humanities. Vice-dean for student affairs, Head of Graphic Design Department. Study fields: theory and practice of communication design and alternative doctrines. Books author and occasional consultant in the field of strategic design and communication. Former editor of the series „communication design” at the Institute of Journalism and Communication Sciences of the University of Wroclaw. Editor of the series „Manual” at the Graphic Design Department University of Social Scienc