A City in the Making: Spatial-religious Principles and Densi...A Comparative Review on Greening and Heating Patterns under ...A Data Visualization Web Application for Planning Sustainabl...A Housing Regression: Relating the Munger Hall Proposal to E...A Methodological Framework for Positioning Residents’ Subj...A Model for Developing a City Climate Action Plan: Engaging ...A Sharing-Based Categorization of Housing Options for Divers...A Welcome to the ConferenceAccessible Cultural Landscape as a means of Enhancing Public...Accessible Rooftops in Dense Cities- A comprehensive review ...Alternative Methodologies in Exploring Program Synergy in Ur...An Exploration of Public Perceptions of Place-character in t...Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Based Predictive Model o...Analysis of Intra-City Mobility: Identifying Indicators of S...Application of Kawagoe Model for Regeneration of Merchant St...Architecture and Migraine: An Inclusive Model for Migraine-s...Are Gateways Communities Facing a New Climate Apartheid? Les...Are We There Yet? Improving Transport Accessibility in South...Art of Place: Art and Culture as Neighbourhood PlacemakingAssessing the Effectiveness and Regulatory Compliance of a M...Assessing the Implementation of Community Driven Development...Becoming City-zens: Community-Inclusive Urban Education for ...Between Care and Emancipation: The Moral Fruitage of Aesthet...Beyond the Stage: Verbatim Theatre’s Potential to Strength...Bike/Pedestrian Path for the University of Louisiana at Lafa...Building inclusive communities: The meaning of (non-)discrim...Buildings as Multilayered Membranes in Porous CitiesCan Protracted Refugee Camps be Livable? Self-Adaptation Pat...Case Study: Transformation of a Failing Lawn Bowls Club to a...Challenging the Domestic QuotidianCivic Ecologies in Green Square (Australia): Beyond urban re...Collaboration in the Management of Public SpaceComplicated Problems, Digital Solutions: Investigating Gende...Contemporary Measures of 'e-food deserts' in British CitiesContested Spaces: Lone Mothers, Neo-Liberal Citizenship and ...Control and Laissez Faire, Between the Universal and the Loc...Creative Cites and Active Citizenship in ASEAN(Shift)ing Grounds