The citizen centered journey towards sustainable smart citie...The designed and the ad hoc: Dynamic remakings of street spa...The digitization gap in urban planningThe Discrepancy Between Spatial Pedestrian Accessibility and...The Fall Line: differential stress and deformationThe Green Hub: A resilient vision for Thessaloniki, GreeceThe impact of building façade characteristics on perceived ...The interdisciplinary timeline: Towards a new paradigm for e...The language of habitation: An investigation of housing term...The meaning of historic cities in the digital age: Genoa his...The new city that was born too oldThe reconstruction of Al Nuri Mosque in MosulThe Right to Heritage: UNESCO cachet and its limits in non-w...‘The Right to the City’ and the problem of TehranThe role of community advocacy in implementing transformativ...The Urban University: An Agent of ChangeThe vacillating sources of authority – The case of the Old...Thinking Making With: Suburbia and sympoetic tanglingTiny Living in Dortmund (Germany): An experiment in urban su...Towards a heliocentric urbanism? Reconsidering sunlight thro...Town-Gown 101: A new class of digital tools for engagement, ...Urban curriculums must address climate changeUrban Design and planning in globalized cities: The Berlin e...Urban farming in the context of healthy cities: Ten years of...Urbanizing nature, modernizing nations: Water infrastructure...User preferences for urban parks: Stated choice experiments ...Using comics to promote green and inclusive architectureVirtual Travel: Global opportunities to reduce the carbon fo...Visualising speed and injustice at an urban edge: Havana, Cu...Welcome & IntroductionWhat does tailoring mean when agile method ‘tailoring’ i...What makes a city: nature and agency in the creative literat...Where are walkable “Main Streets” in Dallas-Fort Worth? ...

Environments by Design

Health, Wellbeing and Place