This study analyzes the perceptions and development of critical thinking among first- and third-year pedagogy students at Universidad de Los Andes, Chile, using a qualitative approach grounded in the methodological framework of Corbin and Strauss (2015). Through focus groups conducted via purposive non-probabilistic sampling, structural barriers, key pedagogical strategies, and longitudinal differences in critical thinking skills were identified. The findings revealed that first-year students predominantly operate at the basic levels of understanding and application according to Bloom’s Taxonomy (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001), while third-year students progress toward higher taxonomic levels. However, this advancement faces challenges such as insufficient time for deep reflection and inadequate pedagogical resources. Key barriers include rigid curricula limiting active methodologies, the absence of teacher modeling, and the predominance of standardized assessments prioritizing memorization over critical thinking (Kember, 2009; Kuhn). The study underscores the need for structural reforms to integrate more flexible and effective pedagogical approaches.
Maria Jose Goles: Currently an academic at the Faculty of Education at Universidad de Los Andes, I am a certified elementary school teacher specializing in the Spanish language, with a master’s degree in Psychopedagogy. I have ten years of experience teaching in International Baccalaureate schools. In addition to my academic and professional roles, I have extensive experience in international cooperation and volunteer work in Chile, Kenya, and Ethiopia. I currently serve as Vice President of a foundation dedicated to supporting communities in Ethiopia.
Marco Anabalon – Primary education student with specializations at Universidad de Los Andes, research and teaching assistant in critical thinking, development, and learning. Conducts research on executive functions and teacher professional development
Agustina Duarte – Primary education student with specializations at Universidad de Los Andes, research assistant in critical thinking.