My research centers around the concept of extraterritoriality, viewed as an invitation to navigate not only the margins of the legal–juridical and spatial orders, but also the edges of forms of representation and poetics. Additionally, I extend and broaden the exploration of the extraterritorial potential of art. This talk will engage with the concept of extraterritoriality, viewed as a result of the encounter between different legal systems, politics, and technologies of governance, which enable their co-existence and produce complex regimes of representation. Building on examples of how an extraterritorial logic of representation is useful in accounting for certain aspects of contemporary visual cultures, this presentation will traverse the borderlines between artistic and academic research to discuss possible methodologies and imagine other possible approaches. During the talk, I will discuss my research on the topic and show artworks created in the frame of Exterritory, a long-term art project led by artist Ruti Sela and myself. Springing from the wish to offer an image that transcends arbitrary border regimes, the project was instigated in 2010 when we projected video artworks by Middle-Eastern artists onto the sails of boats navigating the extraterritorial waters of the Mediterranean, wishing to create an image of art exhibited in a neutral space beholden to no national constraints of any kind. Possible approaches to concept will be introduced, shuttling between theory and artistic practice, looking for how extraterritoriality can also serve as a creative passage
Maayan Amir‘s artworks have been shown internationally in exhibitions, including the Biennale of Sydney, the Istanbul Biennale, the Berlin Biennale, the New Museum Triennial, Centre Pompidou, Art in General (NY), Tate Modern, Jeu de Paume, Ludwig Museum, HKW, and Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo. In 2009 she initiated together with Ruti Sela the longterm art project Exterritory, for which both artists won a Young Artists Award from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO, 2011). She holds a PhD from the Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths, Unive