There has always been a bilateral interplay between Art and Technology at various levels of participation throughout history. At every step, technology has created new mediums, tools, and themes to expand artists’ creative expression. However, it is frequently observed that in today’s works of art that employ new technology, excessive praise for technical components given during the creation or presentation of the artwork may risk overshadowing the artwork’s discursive essence. In addition, absolute reliance on technological means brings with it the potential danger to the preservation of such works of art in the face of technological loss. This paper will focus on the issues that arise when we rely heavily on technology to create art and elaborate thoughts on preserving strategies.
Artut’s artistic research and production focus on theoretical and practical dimensions of human-technology relations. He holds a Ph.D. in Media and Communications from European Graduate School, in Switzerland. Currently, Artut is working as an Assoc. Prof. for the Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design Program at Sabanci University, Istanbul. An author of six books, he is also the editor of the book titled “Technological Arts Preservation”