This paper shows the personal experience of an instructor creating a successful, unique experimental online learning experience. This successful transition during critical times, show that open minds and willingness to adopt, leads to positive outcomes. Students were required to produce video content with their iPhones. The professor produced content the same way. The “Professor on the Road” series produced between 5-13 minutes of content per week. This showed students that producing that amount of content each week was not only possible, but required for the careers they were preparing for. I also wanted to set a bar for student projects. They could watch my content as an example of how to create a project. They could see the quality of the work I was expecting. Students could also see the amount of work that goes into their favorite shows. “Professor On The Road” produced 15 YouTube episodes, was featured across the country in news broadcasts, radio and newspapers. The project also won 6 Emmy Awards.
H is a 33-time Emmy Award winner and has been nominated over 70 times for his work as a documentary filmmaker, and journalist. Troy worked as a Filmmaker, Director, Writer, Reporter, Host, Investigative Journalist, Photojournalist, Editor, Radio DJ, Lighting Designer, Audio operator, Live Truck Operator, Drummer, Guitarist, etc. Hale has 2 documentary films with international distribution. “Sh*t Saves the World” is a humor/environmental documentary sold at the Cannes film Festival and has screened all over the world. Fart: A Documentary is also available worldwide on streaming.