As we entered further into our personal COVID bubbles during the worldwide pandemic, we very quickly realized that would haveto adapt, learn and change our approaches to pedagogy by rethinking and delivering more material on-line. The focus of this paper lies with pedagogy and mobile technology being used to enhance and go beyond the tertiary institutionalclassroom. As technology changes on a daily bases, teachers and educators have to adapt to these changing ways byunderstanding and using technology to aid in the delivery of educational material both in and out of the static classroom. By using mobile digital technology by expanding the classroom and going into the environment, this paper will explore theconnection between research, field data gathering, mobile technology and how these ideas can be transferred back into thecommunication design classroom as a new form of pedagogy. In doing so this paper will show examples of the findings gatheredby using mobile technology in the field and how they are translated into digital artworks for new curriculum delivery. Taken fromthe inspiration of the findings it will further explore what is real and what is virtual and how inspiration is taken from nature andexplored in the digital environment.
Dr David Sinfield is a Professor (Associate), at the Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand. He is an academic leaderand has been a creative director in the communications field. His research underpins a series of poetic typographical projectionsas short films and extends the concept of the portrait beyond a purely visual representation of identity by fusing typography,narrative, location imagery, sound and paralinguistics. Furthermore, it creatively expands on discourse surrounding typography asemotive by considering the erosion and decay of letterforms as generative of meaning.