Over 45 years of teaching Landscape Architecture, we present some work developed. Teaching landscape architecture is working at/with Locus. Understanding spatial and temporal dimensions requires a device: our body. This device must be used in managing all landscapes. The methodological practice of experiencing the place is the clue. The evaluation of the dimensions of scale and temporality, as well as the atmosphere of the place, results from the combination of the emotional dimension (our five senses) with the scientific dimension. Any intervention must use the most innovative technology, but must integrate human scale and temporality. It must pulsate through the senses, through the act of registration and sensorial apprehension (tactile, auditory, visual, gustatory, olfactory). A very gestural act where the whole body moves to register, draw and reflect. Our objective is to show that the place/body link is a fundamental tool in the teaching of landscape architecture. We regard this as an ethical responsibility in teaching. To encourage this practice, we will explore the characteristics of this methodology: study trips, field work, working with and with the communities’ problems. Looking and moving, drawing and annotating, mapping, discussing, reflecting on what we feel, engaging communities and stakeholders.
Aurora Carapinha is a landscape architect. Full professor at the University of Évora since 1979 and is coordinator of PhD programme on Landscape Architecture at the University of Évora. Visitor Professor of PHD of Architecture at University of Porto. Mainstream object of research is Portuguese garden and landscape as a legacy of the Mediterranean Matrix and Theory of Landscape Architecture. Is coordinator of the research of Landscape in CHAIA. Has co-coordinated the International Cycle of Seminars “Art of Gardens Books” (2012-2013) and “An Ecology before Ecology” (2013-2014) .
Maria da Conceição Marques Freire is an assistant professor at University of Évora (UE), Portugal, School of Sciences and Technology, Department of Landscape, Environment and Planning. Full researcher at Centre for Art History and Artistic Research (UE). Graduated at UE in Landscape Architecture (with a five years degree). Master in Landscape Recovery and Heritage Architecture by UE. PhD in Arts and Techniques of the Landscape also by UE, thesis on Landscape Design Teaching. Professor at the UE since 1996, teaches different subjects in Landscape architecture and Architecture courses, related with Landscape Design and Landscape Studies. Director of the master’s course in landscape architecture since 2017. Author and co-author of several publications. Participated in several research projects linked with landscape in different scales, contexts and thematic and linked with teaching landscape architecture. Supervisor of several final thesis, Master thesis and PhD thesis. Main research interests: urban landscapes, ecological structures, landscape architecture and landscape design teaching.