The Campus of the Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie – former Mackenzie College in São Paulo, Brazil – offers an exceptional condition for the development of architectural education in the context of cultural heritage conservation. On one hand, the built environment of the campus is recognized by the CONDEPHAAT (São Paulo State Heritage Agency) as a historical site. On the other hand, the recent organization of the historical records of the institution has made it available for research. The ease of access to the campus buildings and its urban context allows for the promotion of systematic investigations and studies on their conservation. The activity of preserving cultural heritage is based on three dimensions. The first refers to knowledge achieved through documentary sources. From research, a critical analysis makes it possible to assess significance of cultural heritage, leading to legal protection. If these two stages are essential for preservation, the third is responsible for effective measures which consider alterations and adaptations necessary to reintroduce the cultural asset into the circuit of the social life. Herein lies one of the main dimensions of the architect’s activity in the field of conservation: the project. Considering these three main points, research studies, surveying and design exercises are proposed for students for the conservation and improvement of existing buildings and its environment. With that in mind, this proposal intends to report and discuss some of the preliminary results of student preservation training, taking the Mackenzie campus as their laboratory.
Marcos José Carrilho: Diploma in Architecture and Urban Planning from the Federal University of Paraná – UFPR (1977); Visiting Scholar at Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation – GSAPP Columbia University NY (1995); PhD in Architecture and Urban Planning from the University of São Paulo – USP (2003); Conservation and Restoration Technical Service Director at the Conselho do Patrimônio Histórico, Arqueológico, Artístico e Turístico – CONDEPHAAT 1982-1986; Architect at the Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional – IPHAN 1986-2019; Adjunt Professor at the Faculdade de Arquitetur
Cecilia Rodrigues dos Santos
Silvia Ferreira Santos Wolff