In the liberal arts classroom, particularly within the realm of art history, representation serves as a dynamic tool that bridges the gap between self-exploration and academic inquiry. This proposal examines how the process of creating self-portrait collages can transform passive learning into an active, dialogic pedagogy. By engaging with materials such as fabrics, found objects, newspapers, and magazines, students are encouraged to cut, fold, layer, and juxtapose these elements to construct new objects, images, and meanings. This tactile, creative process allows students to transition from mere recipients of knowledge to active creators, making abstract concepts tangible and fostering an interactive learning environment. In my seminar, the creation of self-portrait collages is a central activity that embodies the concept of representation as a dialogic pedagogy. Through this hands-on approach, students engage in meaningful dialogue and collaborative learning, as the act of representation becomes a conduit for expressing and exchanging ideas. The collage-making process enables students to make visible their academic interests, personal backgrounds, values, and the communities to which they belong. This creative practice serves as a powerful medium for addressing complex social issues such as race, privilege, and positionality, making these discussions more accessible and resonant. By embracing representation as a dialogic and creative process, this approach not only enriches the learning experience but also cultivates an environment where identity, empathy, and interdisciplinary thinking are central to the educational journey. I argue that representation in the liberal arts classroom can foster deeper understanding and collaboration across diverse academic and personal domains and continue to cultivate a space built on compassion, understanding, and the co-creation of knowledge.
Veronica Bremer is a lecturer, advisor, and researcher at the liberal arts program, Studium Individuale, at Leuphana University Lueneburg. She has a Ph.D. in Art History from Jacobs University Bremen. Her research has been supported by the Claussen Simon Foundation, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and the Klassik Stiftung Weimar.