Livable Cities

A Conference on Issues Affecting Life in Cities
Event Date: June 26-28, 2024
Abstract Date: April 10, 2024
June 2024
A conference examining the cross-disciplinary issues that make the places we inhabit "livable"

Livable Cities – London

Today, the societies, cultures, and the places in which we live and work are increasingly intricate phenomena. Globalization eradicates spatial boundaries to business. Gentrification involves social and political pressure. Pandemics are never site specific or confined to the past. Architecture and urban design are global endeavors. Sustainability requires material and political action. Patterns of criminality are not place bound. Similarly, the need for education and housing are universal and land rights are essential legal tools for First Nations and communities everywhere.

Within this mode of thinking, when we discuss sustainability we must consider local planning and global politics. When we speak about smart cities, we are obliged to consider cyber security and civil rights. When we discuss law and human rights, we cannot ignore economic or social policy. Equally, when we think about food production and consumption, we must consider transportation costs, public health, and more.

In reading livability as an aggregate of forces then, the Livable Cities – London conference, does not see ‘the city’ as primarily a physical and designed entity. On the contrary, it posits ‘the livable city’ as a ‘construct’ involving a plethora of agendas, practices and disciplines. As an inherently interdisciplinary conference it  explores cities as both a series of material questions and immaterial phenomena. It critiques the city as an interplay of forces that includes spatial design, politics, sociological trends, cultural tendencies and media representations, as much as it involves economic policy, planning strategy and the provision of public services.

By juxtaposing, comparing and sharing work in various fields then, it is expected that a broader and richer picture will emerge at  the conference with regards what makes the places we inhabit more, or less, livable.

Reflecting this positioning, the themes of Livable Cities – London are diverse and are intended to encourage overlap and cross disciplinary discussion. They include but are not limited to:

Design & Planning | Resilience & Sustainability | Urban Development and City Economies | Technology, Media & Smart Cities | Social Justice & the Right to the City | Cultural Cities & the Arts | Healthy Cities & Public Wellbeing | Infrastructure & Transport.

We encourage submissions from academics, professionals, policy makers and researchers. We seek international perspectives and local insights. We welcome case studies, research projects and speculative theory.



  • Urban Planning
  • Sustainability
  • Sociology
  • Architecture
  • Human Geography
  • Criminology
  • Transport
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Art
  • Media Studies
  • Social Policy
  • Technology
  • Public Health
  • Business
  • Urban Economics
  • Anthropology
  • Creative Industries
  • Cultural Studies
  • Education

Key Dates

Abstracts (Final)
10 April 2024
26-28 June 2024
Full Paper Submission OPENS
20 July 2024
Full Paper Submission CLOSES
10 August 2024
Full Paper Resubmissions
20 December 2024
10 March 2025


Architecture, Urbanism, & Transport
Urbanism, design, regeneration, infrastructures..
Society, Communities & Cultures
Equity, participation, housing, crime, human rights..
Art, Medias & Technology
Cultural industries, public art, smart cities, social media..
Health, Public Wellbeing & Accessibility
Post-COVID society, healthy cities, inclusion, food access..
Resilience & Sustainability
Strategic retreat, resilient cities, sustainable communities..


In-person: Delegates can visit London and present live at the conference venue.

Zoom: We welcome live presentations via Zoom.

Pre-recorded:  Pre-recorded presentations or films will be available permanently on the AMPS Academic YouTube channel.

Lightning talks: For delegates wishing to offer shorter presentations of their work. Subject to the level of interest.

@London: For delegates visiting London but presenting virtually on Zoom.

Written papers: In all cases, delegates can present full written papers for inclusion in all associated conference publications.


In-person (20 mins)
Zoom (20 mins)
Pre-recorded video (20 mins)
Lightning talk (5 mins)
@London (20 mins)
Written papers (3000 words)



The publishers that AMPS works with include UCL Press, Routledge Taylor & Francis, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Vernon Press, Libri Publishing and Intellect Books.


Conference outputs include the AMPS Proceedings Series, ISSN 2398-9467; Special Issue Publications of the academic journal Architecture_MPS ISSN 2020-9006; Books from this event will be developed by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, with short films available on the AMPS Academic YouTube Channel.


Written papers are optional.  If submitted they should be 3,000 word length. Formatting instructions to follow after the conference. All papers are double-blind peer reviewed for the AMPS Conference Proceedings Series. Subject to review, selected authors will be invited to develop longer versions as articles in the academic journal Architecture_MPS or in specially produced conference books.


Updated Full Paper Template




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