Full Paper Review Feedback

  • Q1. Relevance & Interest:

    Is the paper of relevance and likely to be of interest? To answer yes to this question the paper should be dealing with an appropriate topic or theme. It should be likely to instigate debate among an interdisciplinary audience. It should also be addressing issues that are timely. Add more details in the summary if needed.
  • Q2. Originality & Quality:

    Does the paper represent high quality original research? To answer yes, the paper should demonstrate sufficient range and depth in its analysis. It should document original research or work. It should demonstrate a high level of academic critique. Add more details in the summary if needed.
  • Q3. Expression and Wordcount:

    Is the paper clearly and sufficiently expressed? To answer yes, the paper should be of sufficient length to communicate its key themes. It should be clearly articulated for an interdisciplinary audience. It should demonstrate a level of written English sufficient to clearly express its primary ideas. Add more details in the summary if needed.
  • Q4. Formatting and Citation Style:

    Does the paper follow the templates provided? To answer yes, the paper should be fully formatted in accordance with the example written paper provided and related guidelines for authors. In addition, it should fully follow the citation style: Chicago Manual of Style Notes Bibliography 17th edition. Add more details in the summary if needed.